This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for uniting us together as a church for His glory among all peoples. Pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and empower us for the life to which God has called us. Pray for God to grow our faith in Christ. Ask Him to help us understand more fully His love for us. Pray for God to receive much glory through The Church at Brook Hills.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association (BMBA), a cooperative effort of local Southern Baptist churches working together to create gospel advancement opportunities that reach beyond the efforts of an individual congregation. The mission of BMBA is to build the kingdom of God across Metro Birmingham and beyond. We are especially praying for Chris Crain, the Executive Director.
This week we are also praying for Gardendale First Baptist and Pastor Kevin Hamm.
Day 1: Pray for wisdom for BMBA pastors who are leading their churches through this challenging time. Pray for churches enduring difficulties and missing being physically together.
Day 2: Pray for the ministry of the BMBA Caring Fund, which was established to help financially support BMBA churches, pastors, and ministry partners affected by COVID-19. So far, the Caring Fund has been used to assist several BMBA churches and families, and has provided lunches to the pastoral care departments at Baptist Health System hospitals.
Day 3: Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the “Better Together” Partnership between the BMBA and the Bessemer association remains strong. Pray for the continued progress of this partnership, and for the Lord to be glorified through it.
Day 4: Pray for Mark Clifton and the BMBA leadership as they work on creative solutions for church revitalization and replanting in the Birmingham metro area.
Day 5: Pray for each of the BMBA’s ministry partners (Baptist Health System, Metro Changers, WorkFaith Birmingham, and Pathways) as they navigate unique challenges caused by the pandemic.
Day 6: Pray for Dr. Chris Crain, BMBA Executive Director, and his staff as they continue to fulfill the mission of the BMBA to encourage, equip, and engage churches in the Great Commission.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Josip and Kelly Debeljuh serving as long-termers in Croatia. Josip and Kelly serve with the local church to engage Croatians with the gospel and to strengthen the church in their area. Josip and Kelly have remained in Croatia during the pandemic and have been sheltered in place like the rest of the world. Join us this week as we pray for Josip, Kelly and their children as they navigate the pandemic and remain faithful to the ministry God has given them in Croatia.
Day 1: Praise God for the good health the Debeljuh’s have had. Pray for wisdom and protection for their family and for the people of Croatia from the coronavirus.
Day 2: Josip and Kelly’s church is doing online Sunday services, prayer gatherings, and weekly connections. Pray for their church to grow together in unity during this season. Pray for maturing of faith for the believers there.
Day 3: Josip has been connecting with a new friend named Sinisa and sharing the gospel with him. Pray for God to grow the seeds of truth that have been planted in Sinisa. Pray for Sinisa to repent and believe.
Day 4: Pray for Kelly and Josip’s oldest daughter Mia who is currently in school in Birmingham. Pray for God to comfort her as she misses her family and is away from them. Pray for wisdom as summer plans to be together as a family have changed due to the pandemic.
Day 5: Pray for Josip and Kelly to be diligent to connect with their friends and people they are sharing the gospel with during this season. Pray for God to open doors for gospel conversations so Josip and Kelly can share about the hope they have in Christ.
Day 6: Josip has had many opportunities to preach in their church and in a few church plants around their city. Pray for God to use Josip to strengthen the church in Croatia through His Word. Pray for God to use the Debeljuh’s in their city and for many to come to Christ through their faithful proclamation of the gospel.
Sunday Setlist