This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the many ways He invites us to worship Him together and for how He has sustained and provided for our worship throughout this season. Pray for us all to live as ones who have been filled with the Spirit of God. Pray for our worship to extend beyond our gatherings on Sundays to motivate and saturate every other area of our lives.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Blanket Fort Hope, a new Christian ministry in the Birmingham area. They are seeking to become a fortress of safety for child victims of human trafficking by providing love and care through education and prevention, housing, legal services, and a long-term commitment to forge a path of purpose and hope for these children. Our current Roots & Reach project is to support them building a 90-Day Crisis Center. We’re also praying for First Baptist Pelham and Pastor Daven Watkins.
Day 1: Pray for the children, traffickers, and “Johns.” Pray for the children currently being trafficked throughout the United States to be protected, rescued, restored, and come to know Jesus who can make all things new. Pray the traffickers and the “Johns” will come to know our Lord and repent.
Day 2: Pray for the Alabama State Legislature. Pray for future meetings with the Alabama Legislature to be fruitful. Pray for the people in the legal profession to make decisions according to God’s will.
Day 3: Pray for the Blanket Fort Hope Crisis Center. Pray for their future and path to be clear. Pray for those who are partnering spiritually and financially with BFH. Pray for the Lord to send the right people to oversee the building project. Pray for the BFH capital campaign and 5K fundraiser.
Day 4: Pray for the Blanket Fort Hope staff and volunteers. Pray for protection against spiritual warfare. Pray for the Executive Director, Alexa, who is working hard to forge a clear path for the future of BFH. Pray for the board members who are giving their time, talents, and resources to support BFH.
Day 5: Pray for advocates. Pray for people to speak on behalf of the trafficked children. Pray for meetings with the Human Trafficking Task Force to be fruitful. Pray for a public outcry resulting in more people joining in the fight against sex trafficking.
Day 6: Pray for education and awareness of human trafficking. Pray for opportunities to rise to educate churches, legal counsel, healthcare professionals, and foster families. Pray for awareness of the human trafficking of children will increase.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for two of our long-term partners in Southeast Asia and one of our short-term field partners in Guatemala. Each of them are providing food and basic necessities to those who are being affected by the pandemic in their city and community. Many of the poorest in their communities are suffering even more due to food insecurity and the economic impact of these countries being shut down during the spread of the virus. These partners have been given the opportunity to provide for physical needs and spiritual needs to many people who have never heard the gospel before. Through the Global Offering, Brook Hills is able to provide resources to continue their efforts of providing physical and spiritual needs.
Day 1: Praise God for how He opened a door for the believers in KL to care for the most vulnerable in their city. Pray for God to give the church wisdom moving forward on how best to care for those in need.
Day 2: Pray for the church in KL to be bold in sharing the gospel as they serve their neighbors. Pray for those who are receiving food to see that their greatest need is Christ and Christ alone. Pray for God to comfort those who are suffering with the hope that is found in Christ.
Day 3: Praise God for the opportunities our long-termers are having in Indonesia to provide food packages to the poor and vulnerable in their city. Pray for God to give boldness to the believers as they engage their community with the gospel.
Day 4: Pray for the people who are receiving the food packages to want to know more about Christ as they meet the believers who are serving them. Pray for God to be merciful and relieve their suffering. Pray for the gospel to spread.
Day 5: Praise God for our Short-Term field partner, Pastor Morales and the believers there at Jerusalen Church in Guatemala. Pray for strength and endurance as they provide for the physical and spiritual needs of those in their community who are suffering from hunger. Pray for God to provide the resources needed to sustain those who are in need.
Day6: Pray for the believers at Jerusalen Church to be strengthened and emboldened as they share the gospel and provide for their neighbors. Pray for God to receive glory and be made known throughout their community.
Sunday Setlist