This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for God to use each of us individually and us as a faith family to shine as lights in our world. Pray for boldness in proclaiming the gospel. Ask God for strength to confront and battle sin in our lives. Pray for grace to walk in love as we follow after Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Brother Bryan Mission, a residential Christian recovery and work-readiness program ministering to economically, emotionally, and spiritually impoverished men in Birmingham. The goal of Brother Bryan Mission (BBM) is for each client to return to his family, church, and community free from addiction, with stable employment and housing, and with a healthy relationship with God and others. We’re also praying for 16th Street Baptist Church and Pastor Arthur Price.
Day 1: Pray for the staff working and the men residing at BBM. Pray for health and wellness for both sets of men especially during these days of COVID-19.
Day 2: Pray for wisdom in the many daily decisions that are being made regarding the men, the mission, and the ministry. Pray for God to make straight their paths and direct their steps.
Day 3: Pray for God to continue blessing and providing for the needs of BBM. Praise God for His faithfulness to BBM, even during the epidemic.
Day 4: Pray for a COVID-19 free future that would allow for an expansion of BBM. Pray for the potential purchase of the building at 1630 2nd Avenue North, allowing BBM to expand to 100 beds from its current total of 76.
Day 5: Pray for God to continue His work among the men of BBM. Pray the work that God has been doing on their hearts will be evident through the lives of those men, especially as they leave the mission.
Day 6: Pray for the safe intake of new men during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Pray for the staff and their safety as they navigate new intake processes.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the people of Chad in Africa. We give thanks that God has provided the resources needed to fulfill our latest Roots and Reach project, allowing Brook Hills to partner with Neverthirst to complete water projects in Chad while strengthening the local believers and pastors who are engaging the least reached with the gospel. So, we want to pray for the country of Chad and her people. Pray for the gospel to spread as these men and women faithfully declare what God has accomplished through his son Jesus Christ and for many to come to faith in Him. For more information on this special Roots and Reach project read about it on our blog.
Day 1: Chad has a population of over 16 million. A large percentage of those are considered least reached and have never heard the gospel. Pray for God to make a way for Christ to be made known throughout every city and village in Chad.
Day 2: Over half of the population in Chad are Muslim or Animists. Pray for God to break the cultural barriers that these beliefs have created. Pray for God to open the eyes of men and women to see their need for a Savior.
Day 3: Pray for the believers and pastors we are partnering with in Chad through the Neverthirst water projects. Pray for God to use the boldness of the brothers and sisters to declare His glory to those who have never heard. Pray for God to strengthen the believers as they faithfully declare all that Christ has done.
Day 4: Training of leaders remains a major challenge. Pray for the key pastors who are strategically reaching out to train more leaders and more pastors. Pray for God to break down anything that might hinder their growth as a believer. Pray for new generations of leaders to be developed so the gospel will continue to spread.
Day 5: Pray for God to use the water projects we are helping to establish as a way to gain access into the homes and lives of the Chadian people. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those who will benefit from this project to hear the gospel and respond.
Day 6: Pray for the small but growing number of Chadian missionaries who are involved in pioneer church planting and Bible translation. Pray for God to embolden them and give them unhindered access into the villages of the least reached.