This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for freedom from our sins which can only be found through faith in Christ. Thank God for the freedoms we experience in our nation. Pray for wisdom in how to best live as good neighbors in our country knowing our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven. Pray for the leaders in our city, state, and nation to trust Christ, grow in their knowledge of God and His Word, and devote their lives to obediently following after Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Christ Health Center, a health clinic in Woodlawn that demonstrates the love and power of Jesus Christ by providing excellent, affordable healthcare for the uninsured and low-income families and participating in community development. Christ Health Center exists to see the sick made well and the well made whole through Jesus. We’re also praying this week for Redeemer Community Church and Pastor Joel Brooks.
Day 1: Pray for purity of heart and vision for CHC staff and board members.
Day 2: Pray for unity among the staff and volunteers as the CHC team handles the multiple pivots COVID-19 has forced them to make. Pray that in spite of the inconveniences caused by the virus, the team would enjoy the labor God has called them to and not grow weary in doing good.
Day 3: Pray for protection for the staff, volunteers, and patients as CHC prepares to fully re-open, even as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise.
Day 4: Pray for patients who are really struggling. Pray they would have enough to eat, a warm place to sleep, and enough to share.
Day 5: Pray for the communities that the patients call home. Pray they would know health, safety, peace, righteousness, and joy.
Day 6: Pray for protection for the staff as they provide screening and testing for potential COVID-19 patients, while also caring for others with the virus.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Sunda people, the largest unreached people group in Indonesia. There are over 37 million Sundanese and 99% are Muslim. There are less than 0.05% Evangelical Christians among them. The Sunda are only found in Indonesia and their primary language is Sundanese. While they are engaged with the gospel, they are still unreached. Join us as we pray for the Sunda people and for the gospel to spread throughout Indonesia. For more information on the Sunda people visit
Day 1: Almost all Sunda are Muslim. Pray for a movement of God among the Sunda people. Pray for God to soften the hearts of the Sundanese so they will be receptive to the Gospel.
Day 2: Praise God for followers of Jesus from Indonesia and beyond whose efforts have begun to produce fruit among the Sunda. Pray for God to continue to open more doors into the Sunda community through various ministry efforts.
Day 3: Pray for God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the few Sundanese Christians.
Day 4: Praise God Brook Hills sent a long-term family to serve among the Sunda people. Pray for God to raise up more people to go and effectively share Christ with the Sundanese.
Day 5: Pray for the very small group of Sundanese believers to be bold and faithful to reach out in love to their friends and family. Pray for God to send others to encourage Sundanese believers in their faith.
Day 6: Prayfor God’s glory to be known and His name worshiped among the Sunda people.
Sunday Setlist