This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Word. Thank Him for the people in your life who initially shares the gospel with you and have taught you the Scriptures. Ask Him to make us bold in sharing His Word with all those around us. Thanks Him for the fellowship and community we have with our faith family here at Brook Hills.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Engage24, an evangelism movement taking place on college campuses across the nation during the month of October. Engage24 Birmingham is intensely focused on a 24-day period of evangelism from October 1-24 where every Christian college student is challenged to share the gospel with at least one person. However, the overall mission is to promote a 24/7 lifestyle of evangelism and engagement with the gospel year-round. We are also praying for Shades Mountain Baptist Church and Pastor Danny Wood.
Day 1: Pray for the churches and campus ministries involved in Engage24 Birmingham to send many laborers into the harvest of UAB and other college campuses. Pray their intentionality in sharing the gospel will bear much fruit.
Day 2: Pray for those involved with Engage24 Birmingham to develop a deep and genuine burden for the lost, and to make engaging with them on their campuses and to the ends of the earth a lifelong practice and priority.
Day 3: Pray for our college students to have a growing and abiding love for God and for others, as well as a growing desire
to be obedient to the clear command to make disciples of all nations.
Day 4: Pray for our college students to have a growing desire to know God through His Word and Spirit, and to make Him
known as a committed part of the Church living out the Great Commission.
Day 5: Pray for many students to come to a saving knowledge of Christ across the five college campuses in the Birmingham area.
Day 6: Pray for Christian college students to plant their roots as active members of local churches wherever they are
attending school.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Roots & Reach project God has presented to us to participate in the printing and distribution of the Building Healthy Churches series produced by our partners at 9Marks. This series is a valuable tool for the global church and we are excited to be able to provide this vital resource to the church particularly in East Asia. This resource will help local pastors equip, disciple, and mobilize their church members for evangelism and mission. Join us as we pray for the church in East Asia and for the impact this Roots & Reach project could have on those who will receive it.
Day 1: Pray for churches in East Asia as they experience increased pressure and persecution. Pray for pastors of these churches to shepherd their people and lead them to wisdom in God’s Word.
Day 2: Pray for the church in East Asia to remain steadfast and confident in Christ as they face persecution. Pray for the gospel to spread through the faithfulness of these believers sharing the good news and making disciples.
Day 3: Pray for God to use the resources that are being printed and distributed to strengthen the church so healthy disciples are being made and churches are multiplied throughout East Asia.
Day 4: Pray for the existing churches in East Asia to see the smaller minority people groups around them that do not have
access to the gospel. Pray for believers to sacrifice their worldview and cultural preferences for the sake of those around them who need Christ.
Day 5: Pray for many pastors to benefit from the resources that will be printed. Ask God to encourage them in their action as they read and embolden them to lead their people to be faithful disciples.
Day 6: Praise God for the opportunity Brook Hills has to come alongside the church in East Asia. Pray for God to impact the church in East Asia in ways for which He alone can receive the glory.
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