This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His never-ending faithfulness toward us. Ask for His blessing on our Roots & Reach Initiative and to multiply our giving to strengthen His church and further His Kingdom. Pray for Him to help us all help one another grow in our love for and faith in Jesus Christ. Ask Him to grant us boldness and to use us to proclaim His gospel to all who need to hear.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for WorkFaith Birmingham (WFB), a gospel-centered ministry focused on workforce preparation and life development for adults with employment barriers. WFB was started by Pastor Keith Stanley, our City Ministries Pastor, to provide an avenue to come alongside adults desiring to develop the skills, ethics, and values necessary to obtain and retain employment. WFB is now under the leadership of Brook Hills member, Andy Blake, and is having a five-year celebration here on October 3rd. We are also praying this week for North Shelby Baptist Church. They are currently seeking a Pastor.
Day 1: Pray for all of the graduates of this program, that they will obtain employment and eventually a career with livable wages to support their families. Pray for favorable employer relationships that will be open to hire these graduates.
Day 2: Pray for God to provide new partners, volunteers, and the resources needed to continue serving in Birmingham.
Day 3: Pray that as graduates move into full-time employment, they will know Christ, grow in Christ, continue to develop a Biblical worldview, and get connected to a local church.
Day 4: Pray for WFB’s partnership with The Lovelady Center, as they serve and prepare the ladies who are about to graduate from there. Pray for the ladies to have the confidence and discipline they need to obtain employment, overcome addictions, and continue moving forward in life.
Day 5: Pray for WFB’s partnership with The Salvation Army, that together they can help empower adults overcoming addictions and homelessness with the perspectives, skills, and values they need to enjoy God’s Good Design for life, including work and faith through a relationship with Christ.
Day 6: Pray for the upcoming Five-Year Celebration on October 3rd. Pray that God is glorified in celebrating the last five years, while wisdom is sought for the next five. Pray for more volunteers and advocates to join the ministry, and for the needed funds to finish the year strong to be provided.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Philip and Joanna Z. who were sent from Brook Hills to serve long-term in Cambodia. Philip
and Joanna were sent out a year ago to live and work in a city where they are intentionally engaging people with the gospel in hopes of seeing churches planted among those who are being saved all across Southeast Asia. Join us this week as we pray for Philip and Joanna.
Day 1: Philip and Joanna spend a large portion of their time studying language and are enjoying their classes and the things they are learning. Pray for endurance as they study and dedicate themselves to the work required to know a new language.
Day 2: Learning language is more enjoyable and effective when you get to interact with people you see on a regular basis. Pray for God to provide more interactions with their neighbors and for true friendships with people who have free time. Pray for God to give Philip and Joanna boldness to make new friends.
Day 3: Philip and Joanna recently announced that they are expecting their first child. Praise God for this sweet gift. Pray for Joanna as she navigates the realities of being pregnant without some of the comforts of home. Pray for Philip as he loves and serves Joanna. Pray for God to be glorified in their family as they welcome a new baby.
Day 4: Praise God for sustaining Philip and Joanna as they have settled into their new home this year. Praise God for helping them overcome fear and for providing for their needs as they engage others with the gospel.
Day 5: Philip recently was able to share his story and the gospel with a new friend named Chad. Chad is from one of the minority tribal groups. He knows very little about Jesus and his people group is one of the least reached in their country. Pray for Chad’s interest in Jesus and the gospel to grow.
Day 6: Joanna has a friend named “Dina” that lives near their apartment. She has shown great interest in Jesus and what He has done. She told Joanna that she wants to know Jesus. The problem is she wants Jesus and Buddha. Pray for Joanna as she walks with Dina through the gospel and clarifies that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Pray for Dina to believe.
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