This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for all the ways He has worked in and through our lives and our church over this past year. Ask Him to grow our joy in response to all He has done, continues to do, and will do in the future. Pray for Him to help us all faithfully follow Him wherever He may lead us in 2020.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for the Brook Hills Hispanic Congregation as they seek to engage the Spanish speaking population in the Birmingham area with the gospel and make disciples who make disciples. We are also praying for Pastor Abner Aguilar. They meet for worship in Spanish every Sunday at 1:00pm in our Student Center.
Day 1: Pray for Pastor Abner and Alex Gomez, his assistant, as they lead the congregation to engage the Spanish speaking community of Birmingham with the gospel and lead them to love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus. Pray for God to send more leaders to join them too.
Day 2: Pray for the opportunities some of the members will have to go on different mission trips in 2020 (India, Jordan, Turkey). Pray these will be life-changing experiences that bear fruit for God’s Kingdom.
Day 3: Pray for many members who have been going through really hard times. Pray for them to remain faithful even with the troubles they are facing. Pray they will feel God’s peace, hope, and joy during this time.
Day 4: Pray for the small group leaders and other members serving in this ministry. Pray they can make an impact in the spiritual growth of others and that they can show them how to love sacrificially.
Day 5: Pray for wisdom for the preachers as they decide what series to preach and the best ways for teaching the Word of God, so they can give a fresh message that comforts the congregation’s hearts, encourages growth, and exalts Jesus.
Day 6: Pray for many Spanish speaking people living in the Birmingham area to commit to faith in Christ in 2020 through the efforts of the Hispanic Congregation.
Pray for the World
This week, as we celebrate the last week of emphasizing our Global Offering, we want to spend time praying for the Somali people. Over 99% of Somalis are Muslim. Somalis are considered least reached with gospel. This means there is little to no gospel access and among some tribes of Somalis there is no active work to even get the gospel to them. This is because getting the gospel to Somalis is difficult. Following Christ often carries a death sentence. Through the Global Offering, Brook Hills has been able to come alongside partners and people who are engaging Somalis in North America and around the world with the gospel. Join us as we pray for the Somali people.
Day 1: It is estimated that over 100,000 Somalis live in the United States. Pray for Somalis in the U.S. to be open to hearing the gospel.
Day 2: There are very few believers engaging the Somali communities in the U.S. Pray for more gospel laborers to enter into the harvest field of Somalis living in the U.S. Pray for believers who live near Somali communities to be bold to engage with their Somali neighbor.
Day 3: Pray for the Holy Spirit to begin working in the hearts of Somali men and women to see their need for a Savior in
Christ Jesus and for the gospel to be proclaimed among Somali communities.
Day 4: Pray for those at Brook Hills who are working to engage Somali communities in the U.S. Pray for God to open doors into these tight-knit communities and for friendships and trust to be built so that lasting relationships can be made.
Day 5: Pray for the Global Offering to continue to help open new doors into Somali communities this next year. Pray for more Brook Hills members to join the work of engaging Somali communities throughout the U.S.
Day 6: Pray for God to move among the Somali people. Praise God for how He is saving Somali men and women. Pray for God to build His church among the Somali people and for the gospel to spread throughout the Horn of Africa and in all of Somalia.
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