This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for how His Word reveals the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Pray for Him to help us all evaluate our own obedience toward Him. Ask Him to grow our love for Him, for one another, and for all those around us. Pray for God to help us discern truth by measuring all claims against His Word.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association (BMBA), a cooperative effort of local Southern Baptist churches working together to create gospel advancement opportunities that reach beyond the efforts of an individual congregation. The mission of BMBA is to build the kingdom of God across Metro Birmingham and beyond. We are especially praying for Chris Crain, the Executive Director. We are also praying for Gardendale First Baptist Church and Pastor Kevin Hamm.
Day 1: The Birmingham Metro Baptist Association will be launching a 20-room hotel for family members who have loved ones in Birmingham hospitals. Pray that this Kingdom ministry will meet tangible needs, make new disciples, and give members of BMBA churches an opportunity to serve outside of their church walls.
Day 2: Pray for BMBA’s new partnership with the Bessemer Baptist Association. Pray for this partnership to be a good steward of Kingdom resources. Pray for Bessemer Director Dr. Barry Cosper as he joins the BMBA team.
Day 3: Pray for BMBA’s Executive Director, Dr. Chris Crain as he refocuses the association toward revitalizing and replanting churches across Birmingham.
Day 4: Pray for God to continue to give the BMBA staff wisdom in church revitalization, conflict resolution, pastor/staff search, mission development, and administrative issues as they coach and resource pastors and leaders across the region.
Day 5: Pray for the Birmingham Baptist Association as they continue to develop a strategy to revitalize and plant churches across the metro area, developing a leadership pipeline for revitalizing churches and planting new congregations.
Day 6: Pray for the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association to continue to develop strong partners to resource BMBA churches and impact the city. Partners like Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, WorkFaith Birmingham, Woman’s Missionary Union, Metro Changers, Pathways Christian Counseling, Honey Word, and Baptist Health System have strengthened the Association’s gospel work in Birmingham and beyond.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our partners at the Hanoi Bible College (HBC) as they train and equip leaders and pastors for the work of ministry throughout Northern Vietnam. Currently there are 85 students in the program. Join us as we pray for these students and the leaders of HBC. We are also praying for our teams serving in Central Asia.
Day 1: HBC is the only officially recognized Bible college in Northern Vietnam. Praise God for the work that is being done there to train new generations of pastors who will lead the Church in that area of the world.
DAY 2: Northern Vietnam is home to many people groups that are least reached without exposure to the gospel. Pray for God to raise up more believers within Vietnam who can go and share the gospel with their neighbor.
DAY 3: Pray for the 85 students who are currently in the pastoral training program at HBC. Pray for God to strengthen these students in His word and in His wisdom as they grow as leaders in the church.
DAY 4: Pray for God to give wisdom to the leaders and professors of HBC as they train up new generations of pastors. Pray for God to make them steadfast and give them joy as they disciple their students.
DAY 5: There has been tremendous growth of the church and spread of the gospel throughout Northern Vietnam. With this blessing has come significant opposition by the enemy. Our partners there have asked that we pray specifically for unity with church leaders and wisdom to combat divisiveness that has risen among them.
DAY 6: Pray for God to receive the glory that is due His name among all the peoples of Northern Vietnam. Pray for God to save many and for the gospel to spread through the homes and villages of Northern Vietnam to those who need Christ.
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