This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the truth of His Word. Pray for God to guide us in our understanding of truth and to grant us the wisdom and strength to discern and resist the lies of the Enemy. Pray for us all to walk in the truth.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for The WellHouse, a local Christian ministry extending God’s grace to adult victims of human trafficking. The WellHouse provides opportunities for restoration, beginning with the initial call to the crisis line. After a victim is rescued, the ministry employs a multidisciplinary approach to recovery, addressing all areas of need within a safe environment where trust begins to grow. We are also praying for Altadena Valley Presbyterian Church and Pastor Brad Allison.
Day 1: Pray for the spiritual growth of all rescued survivors, specifically that all who enter The WellHouse will see and feel the love of Christ and choose to become His daughter.
Day 2: Pray for an extra measure of grace and strength for each staff member and volunteer as they minister to survivors of human trafficking.
Day 3: Pray for the leadership of The WellHouse to have wisdom to guide the ministry according to God's perfect purpose for all involved.
Day 4: Pray for divine protection and financial provision for the ministry.
Day 5: Pray for those who have graduated and exited The WellHouse to find shelter and safety in Christ and fellowship with His church.
Day 6: Pray that God will bring justice by exposing and eliminating human trafficking in our city and around the world.
Pray for the World
The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world to not have their own permanent nation-state. There are approximately 30 million Kurds living in a mountainous region that covers the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Armenia. This region has historically been known as “Kurdistan”. The majority of Kurds still live in a tribal-based system, particularly those in the villages. Family is the core of society, and respect and honor are very important in Kurdish culture. Nearly 99% of Kurmanji-speaking Kurds are Muslims, though many of them are Muslim in name only. At present, there are hundreds of Kurmanji Kurd believers sprinkled throughout the world, and only a handful of evangelical churches in their historic homeland. We are also praying for our teams serving in Southeast Asia this week.
Day 1: As a result of the historically severe government opposition and the suppression of their culture, a popular proverb among them is “The Kurds have no friends but the mountains.” Pray for God to intervene on behalf of the Kurds so they may have peace and a place where the gospel spreads, so that the name of Christ is exalted and their culture can flourish.
Day 2: Ask God to strengthen and encourage the small number of Kurdish believers that are living in Kurdistan today. Pray for the opportunity for our brothers and sisters to fellowship with other believers. Pray for their faithfulness in the face of opposition.
Day 3: Pray for the current workers who are serving among the Kurds to have opportunities to boldly proclaim Christ. Pray for God to call out more workers to go and spend their lives for the sake of the Kurds to know Christ.
Day 4: Pray for the current events that are taking place with the Kurds now. Pray for the protection of the innocent who are suffering as a result of war and violence.
Day 5: Pray for our partners who serve among the Kurds and our Kurdish brothers and sisters whom they serve among. Pray for God to give them wisdom as to how best to engage the Kurdish people with the gospel and to see healthy, multiplying churches among them. Pray for the national believers they walk alongside on a regular basis. Pray for those relationships to bear fruit and for those believers to disciple others who are believing.
Day 6: Pray for God to grant peace that comes through Christ to the Kurdish people, especially those living in Turkey and Syria.
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