This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the freedom from sin He offers us and works in our lives. Thank Him for bringing us into His family as our Father and His service as our Master. Pray for Him to help us all resist temptation to sin and to live in the new life of freedom He grants us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Mission Increase, a Christian foundation that helps over 120 Christian nonprofits in Central Alabama grow by offering teaching, coaching, and consulting rooted in a biblical approach to fundraising, all at no cost to ministries. The purpose of their training is to strengthen Christian nonprofit ministries in order that more people will believe the gospel and experience Kingdom living. We’re also praying for Mountain Brook Community Church and Pastor Tim Kallum.
Day 1: Pray for ministry leaders throughout the Central Alabama region. Pray that God will strengthen and encourage them to fulfill their calling. Pray specifically for Christian nonprofit leaders you may know to be filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit.
Day 2: Pray for generosity in our region to increase. Pray that more givers would “do good, be rich in good works, be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:18, 19).
Day 3: Pray for collaboration and unity to be expressed among Christian nonprofits. Ask God to help Christian nonprofit leaders to cooperate and collaborate in answer to Jesus’ prayer “that they may all be one; just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me” (John 17:21).
Day 4: Pray for Mission Increase as they expand in Tuscaloosa and Montgomery. Intercede for Kevin Moore, Area Director of Mission Increase Central Alabama, as the work takes root and grows in Tuscaloosa and Montgomery in 2021. Use the words from the prayer of Jabez as you pray: “Oh, that you would greatly bless me and extend my border, and that your hand might be with me” (1 Chronicles 4:10).
Day 5: Pray for nonprofit boards to engage and steward their God-given callings and gifts to lead. Ask God to raise up more board members who have gospel concern for our city.
Day 6: Pray for nonprofit leaders to view fundraising as ministry. Pray that God will use Mission Increase to empower Christian ministry leaders to see their role in fundraising as a joyful calling, journeying with their donors on a mutually encouraging and discipling pathway.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Somali people. The Somali are located primarily in the Horn of Africa but many live in the US. Somalis are almost entirely Muslim and there are many physical needs resulting in humanitarian crisis. They are among the top 5 least reached people groups in the world and are very difficult to access and engage. Join us this week as we pray for God to move among Somali people and for the gospel to spread among them.
Day 1: Pray that God would ransom many Somalis from the darkness in which they live. Pray for Christ to be made known and for many Somalis to believe.
Day 2: There are tiny pockets of Somali believers who are gathered and God is buildingHis church among them. Pray for God to sustain the small group of believers as they grow in faith and love in Christ.
Day 3: There are approximately 145,000 Somalis living in the United States with large populations settled in Minnesota, California, Georgia, Colorado, and Washington D.C. Pray for God to mobilize local churches who are around Somali communities to have a burden for their neighbor and engage them with love and boldness. Pray for God to give access into Somali communities in these cities.
Day 4: Pray for Christian workers who are engaging Somali communities throughout the Horn of Africa and in other parts of the world where Somali families live. Pray for God to give favor to those serving among them.
Day 5: Somalia has been on the World Watch List since 1993 as one of the worst countries for Christians. Christians barely survive on the outskirts of society and face significant persecution. Martyrdom is very common. Pray for God to sustain Somali believers and make bold the church in sharing the gospel. Pray for hearts of Somalis to be opened to the truth of the gospel and for many to know Christ.
Day 6: Pray for the glory of God to be made known among Somali peoples.
Sunday Setlist