This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His wisdom, and ask Him to help us all grow in wisdom. Ask Him to help keep us from being ruled by our emotions. Pray for us all to see the relationship between our feelings and our walk with God. Pray for God to grow our joy in following and serving Him.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Brook Hills English as a Second Language Ministry (ESL). Over the past four years, the Brook Hills ESL has served over 300 international adults and their families from 36 different countries. Brook Hills ESL classes will begin on September 12 and continue through May. For more information about our ESL Ministry, visit We are also praying for Shades Valley Community Church and Pastor Johnathan Haefs.
Day 1: Pray for the international adults who will participate in the ESL program this year. Pray for God to continue to bring students from nations with little to no access to the gospel. Pray He will give all of our students the patience, skills, and mental strength necessary to learn the English language.
Day 2: Pray for the children who will participate in the ESL children’s program while their parents are in class. Pray their hearts and minds will be at peace under our care and that they will be eager to learn new truths about God each week from their Bible-centered lessons.
Day 3: Pray for the faithfulness of volunteers in every area of this ministry to cultivate a safe, hospitable, and loving environment for the students and their children.
Day 4: Pray for the seven internationals who have come to faith through the ESL Ministry to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, grow in their faith, find community with a local church, and make disciples.
Day 5: Pray for the new ESL Bible Study groups that will form this year. Pray these students, from a variety of spiritual backgrounds, will understand the Word of God and be transformed by it.
Day 6: Pray for the director and other leaders within the ministry as they make decisions regarding the direction and expansion of our ESL Ministry in order to show and share the love of Christ with more internationals in our city.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termers Taylor and Julia J. serving in Southeast Asia. Taylor and Julia moved to a city a few months ago and have been settling into their new life, work, and ministry. God has given them unique opportunities through their family to build relationships and share the gospel with friends that He has brought into their lives. Join us as we pray for Taylor and Julia and that God would expand His kingdom and establish His church among unreached people groups in their city.
Day 1: Taylor and Julia have many opportunities to share the gospel with friends and neighbors. Pray specifically for Buhari, a man Taylor has become friends with and shared the gospel with. Pray for God to open Buhari’s heart and for the power of the gospel to be on display and for Buhari to believe in Christ.
Day 2: Starting next week Taylor and Julia’s daughter, Hali, will begin going to school a few days each week. Pray for Hali as she adjusts to her new normal at school and for Julia as she adjusts to not having Hali at home every day of the week.
Day 3: A healthy church is planting a church in their community, which is the least churched area of Singapore. Pray for God to open doors for this church into the community and for Taylor and Julia to have opportunities to train others in the church on how to share the gospel with others.
Day 4: This season for Taylor and Julia is very busy and it seems as though every minute is filled. Pray for times of rest and for dependence upon the Lord when they are prone to depend on themselves.
Day 5: Pray for Taylor as he navigates cultural dynamics at his workplace that can often times be very difficult. Pray for patience and wisdom as he leads.
Day 6: Pray for God to provide the resources needed for Taylor and Julia to remain in their new city. Pray for new partner churches to join in the work they are doing.
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