This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for hearing our prayers and helping us in our trouble. Pray for God's justice in our world and for Him to use us as instruments of care toward those around us who are hurting and struggling. Ask God to strengthen us, and pray for us to extend strength and grace to others.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Olivia’s House. Olivia’s House is an alcohol and drug abuse treatment center that provides holistic care for chemically dependent women and their children. Olivia’s House allows Brook Hills to provide weekly Biblical teaching to the residents of their secular recovery program, along with other periodic events. Beth Middleton coordinates that ministry. We’re also praying this week for Citizen’s Church and Pastor Justin Karl.
Day 1: Pray for Kelly Driver, the Director of Olivia’s House, to be a godly servant leader as she trains and equips her staff. Kelly wants to be an example of faith and love in her leadership role. Pray for her to have the fruits of the Spirit as she facilitates the daily management of the residents and staff of Olivia’s House.
Day 2: Pray for the residents of Olivia’s House to be positive in their recovery journey as they take responsibility for their circumstances, having an attitude of gratitude in their season of discord. May their hearts and minds be receptive to the good news of Jesus Christ and the hope that is offered through salvation.
Day 3: Pray for the weekly Bible study at Olivia’s House which is led by Brook Hills members. Ask the Lord to prepare hearts and ignite their desire to hear and read the Word. Pray for all the ladies to want to attend the study. Pray for those who lead the study. Pray for repentance and total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Day 4: Pray for new volunteers at Olivia’s House. Pray for the Lord to bring people to help with both the Bible study and with a new “Health and Wellness” program that will include Pilates, healthy eating, and spiritual growth. Pray for the volunteers to honor God in both word and deed and encourage the ladies in Olivia’s House to do the same.
Day 5: Pray for the staff of Olivia’s House. Pray for them to be unified and work well as a team. Pray for them to increase in awareness, understanding, and respect for their clients. Pray for open staff roles to be filled, which include childcare, clinical, and residential specialists. Pray for God to add people who want to be part of a unified team, with Godly attitudes, professionalism, and respect for residents.
Day 6: Pray for monetary needs and services to be provided for Olivia’s House to create a better living environment for the residents as they go through recovery. Olivia’s House desperately needs two 15-passenger vans to transport residents in the community and upgrades to the facility, such as a new roof and activity center.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for some of our Long-Termers, Andy and Bekah D., serving in Southeast Asia. They both work at an international school and are deeply involved in a local church where Andy serves as an Elder.
Day 1: Pray for wisdom and fruitfulness as they seek to launch a university ministry through their church. Pray for wisdom with their time and energy. Pray for those with whom they will be partnering to start this work.
Day 2: Pray for deeper relationships with their neighbors as they seek to love their community well. Over the last few months, they have had the opportunity to meet most of the families on their street. Pray for wisdom as they aim to develop deeper friendships.
Day 3: Pray for their local church as they consider new locations for a more permanent spot. Pray for them to find a spot where they can honor God with the space on Sundays, and also welcome the community during the week. Pray for unity among members during this process.
Day 4: Pray for the Lord to give Andy and Bekah wisdom and direction on where He may be calling them to plant a church in the city in the coming years. Pray for partners with a like-minded vision who are prepared to come alongside them in this work.
Day 5: Pray for the opportunities Andy has through preaching. Pray also for the opportunities they both have through training and network gatherings to impact other churches in the city. Pray for them to be good stewards of these opportunities and that they would help brothers and sisters love the gospel dearly.
Day 6: Pray for their marriage. Pray for them to be disciplined to keep their weekly day of rest and have joy in the Lord. Pray for their marriage to be a picture of the gospel to those in the community. As they are looking to start new works (with university ministry now, and praying through church planting in the future), pray for unity in their marriage.

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